The report of de Oedenberg received 22 votes, while that of Libicki only two votes. Both other members of the delegation that visited Famagusta, Carlos Josee Iturgaiz Angulo and Willy Meyer Pleite, agreed with the content of de Oedenberg`s report. The fourth member of the delegation was Libicki.
According to the recommendations of the report, “UNSC Resolution 550(1984) must be respected, and implemented without further delay by all parties and, with regard to the petitioners` concerns, the institutions of the European Union must actively support and promote a solution which leads to the full restoration of property to its legitimate owners in Varosha.“
Furthermore, “Turkey must withdraw its occupation military forces from the Republic of Cyprus, an EU territory, starting with the return of the Famagusta sealed-off section to its lawful inhabitants in compliance with the above resolution.“
“The Slovenian and the French Presidencies of the EU must give their support so that this issue is resolved by the end of 2008, and the European Parliament is urged in this context to give full backing to this objective,“ and also, “if there are no visible results by the end of the year, the PETI Committee could re-examine the current state of play and reflect on further actions I.E. possibility of bringing the issue of the Famagusta petitioners to plenary,“ according to the recommendations.
18/7/08, Cyprus News Agency