The IMO is a specialized agency of the United Nations, responsible for the safety and security of international shipping and the prevention of marine pollution from ships. Established by Convention in Geneva in 1948, it currently consists of 170 members who together comprise the Assembly, the IMO’s governing body. The Council is the executive body of the IMO.
Addressing the Assembly, Cyprus’s Communications and Works Minister Leontios Ierodiaconou emphasised the importance Cyprus attaches to its shipping industry and its adherence to international regulations, particularly on matters of security and prevention of pollution.
Cyprus is a well-established shipping centre in a strategic geographical location at the crossroads of prosperous financial regions of three continents and next to the Suez Canal. Its legal system, based on common law, its modern shipping legislation and its attractive tonnage tax system have paved the way for Cyprus to become a leading maritime nation and the third largest shipmanagement centre in the world.
Cyprus has served the IMO as a Council member since 1985 and its re-election will allow Cyprus to continue to participate in setting the strategic and legislative framework within which the international shipping industry operates.
Published on 29.11.2011
By Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC