Millions to be spent on Karpass luxury hotels
Illegal regime determined to
transform untouched peninsula
TURKISH Cypriot businessmen have partnered up with British entrepreneurs to pour millions into the construction of ultra-luxurious hotels and a massive marina in the ecologically sensitive Karpass Peninsula.
Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce Chairman Erdil Nami and business partner, Briton Davis Lewis have teamed up to build two seven-star hotels in the occupied peninsula to the tune of £150m sterling.
Moreover, the marina is reputed to be the largest in the eastern Mediterranean.
The Israeli entrepreneur involved in financing the marina reportedly hosted a dinner aboard his yacht in the harbour of occupied Kyrenia.
Guest of honour at the dinner was Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat.
The illegal regime appears determined to transform the mostly untouched peninsula into an illegitimate playground for the rich and famous.
The transformation also has political undertones. With development and more tourist cash flowing into the regime, Talat hopes to pressure Nicosia into settlement negotiations on his terms.
Power grid
And according to Turkish Cypriot daily Afrika, word of the massive investment goes a long way in explaining the determination of the illegal regime to develop the electricity grid in the peninsula, despite strong environmentalist opposition.
Electricity pylons have already been erected from the outskirts of Rizokarpaso village to the pristine Golden Coast – one few areas where the endangered Mediterranean sea turtle Caretta Caretta breeds.
The company contracted to complete the job put up 100 pylons in the first phase of work.
The European Commission issued a diplomatic rebuke against the work that puts the area’s fragile ecosystem at risk.
|||Millions to be spent on Karpass hotels