By RSM Cyprus
RSM Cyprus together with our Global Network serves clients spanning all revenue categories, from start-ups to multi-billion-dollar entities.
We understand the complexities the industry is up against. We’ll work closely with you on financial and regulatory compliance, general accounting and auditing, financial reporting and more.
Key contact: Marios Charalambides, Partner, Head of Financial Services
Get in touch with us to discuss how we can assist you to address all of today’s challenges.
Using an integrated and customised approach, our team of experts provides you with the tools and solutions to move your business forward with confidence.
The asset management sector has seen profound changes that are redefining the space. e rapid digital transformation, the growing interest in digital assets, the constant increase of regulatory requirements, the emerging ESG practices are just a few of the areas that prove that the industry is experiencing a seismic shift.
Adapting successfully will require the industry to invest in technology, increase efficiencies and work in a smarter way. In this environment, selecting the right advisor makes all the difference.
Download the Cyprus Investment Funds (AIFs, UCITs) guide – Key Benefits for Cyprus based Funds and Fund Managers.