GDP per inhabitant in Cyprus was around the EU27 average for 2007, according to the latest statistical data released by Eurostat.
Based on the data for 2007, Gross Domestic Product per inhabitant in Cyprus, expressed in purchasing power standards (PPS), was 91%, only nine per cent below EU27 average recording a slight increase compared to the 90% in 2006 though it is lower than the 93% estimated in June based on Eurostat first preliminary estimates for 2007.
The Eurostat data shows that in 2007, GDP per inhabitant in Luxembourg was more than two-and-a-half times the EU27 average, while Ireland and the Netherlands recorded levels about 50% and 30% above average respectively.
Austria, Sweden, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Finland and Germany were between 15% and 25% above the EU27 average.
France, Spain and Italy registered GDP per inhabitant between 0% and 10% above the EU27 average, while Greece and Cyprus were between 0% and 10% below the average.
Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Malta and Portugal were between 10% and 25% lower than the EU27 average.
Estonia, Slovakia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland were between 30% and 50% lower, while Romania and Bulgaria were about 60% below the EU27 average.
Financial Mirror, December 12, 2008
GDP per inhabitant in Cyprus was around the EU27 average for 2007, according to the latest statistical data released by Eurostat.
Based on the data for 2007, Gross Domestic Product per inhabitant in Cyprus, expressed in purchasing power standards (PPS), was 91%, only nine per cent below EU27 average recording a slight increase compared to the 90% in 2006 though it is lower than the 93% estimated in June based on Eurostat first preliminary estimates for 2007.
The Eurostat data shows that in 2007, GDP per inhabitant in Luxembourg was more than two-and-a-half times the EU27 average, while Ireland and the Netherlands recorded levels about 50% and 30% above average respectively.
Austria, Sweden, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Finland and Germany were between 15% and 25% above the EU27 average.
France, Spain and Italy registered GDP per inhabitant between 0% and 10% above the EU27 average, while Greece and Cyprus were between 0% and 10% below the average.
Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Malta and Portugal were between 10% and 25% lower than the EU27 average.
Estonia, Slovakia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland were between 30% and 50% lower, while Romania and Bulgaria were about 60% below the EU27 average.
Financial Mirror, December 12, 2008