Garoyian, who is also the president of parliament, said by tomorrow afternoon when the Executive Bureau meets he expected conditions “which will make clear everyone’s respect to the decisions, strategy and party tactics.”
He stressed that the decisions and agreements should be clear.
Tensions within the government partner came to a head in recent weeks over the manner in which certain officials openly criticised the party’s participation in the government and the line being taken in the Cyprus problem negotiations.
Reports these past few days insisted that Garoyian was poised to kick out the unruly members: deputy chairman Giorgos Colocassides, vice chairman Nicolas Papadopoulos, general secretary Kyriacos Kenevezos and deputy Zacharias Koulias.
“Unfortunately there were public statements and actions, which violated the decisions and strategy and party tactic,” Garoyian told reporters.
Among others DIKO decided in June to remain in the government and emit a universal political voice from all party officials.
But the decisions were not observed by everyone.
The issue was tabled anew before the Executive Bureau in November but the decisions were again violated by certain members “who emitted divisive messages anew,” Garoyian said.
The DIKO chairman said democracy had rules that apply to all.
Democracy is not the subjection of the majority to the will of the minority, and no official is elected with a mandate to do whatever they want, Garoyian said.
DIKO “is not and will not become anyone’s fiefdom; it is a party of responsibility and not protest and belongs to its people and members,” the DIKO chairman said.
He said he considered “unethical” claims that and innuendos that he made a deal with President Demetris Christofias for a second term as House President.
“Once more I extend a plea for respect of the party decisions and party discipline,” Garoyian said.
Any move to expel the unruly members could lead to a greater rift in the party and could act as a catalyst for the formation of a new, more hardline movement made up of people from various parties who are against the talks to resolve the island’s decades-old division.
Cyprusmail, By George Psyllides, Published on December 6, 2009|